N.B.K.R. IST(Autonomous)



Affiliated to JNTUA,Ananthapuramu, NAAC Accreditation with 'A' Grade, Accredited by NBA,"A"Grade Engineering College Recognized by AP Govt


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An Educational institution is an enclave with a population size that can be considered as a small town in which many activities are conducted that will impact the environment. Educational Institutes should showcase and inspire the local neighborhood for adopting the sustainable practices.
Our Institute has initiated several steps and adopted best practices to make the campus green.

Green Campus Initiatives

  • Rain Water harvesting pits were constructed at different places on the campus to facilitate the ground water recharge.

  • Rooftop solar panels were installed which meet around 66 percent of our total energy demand.

  • Sprinklers system is used for gardens to prevent water wastage.

  • We encourage students and faculty to utilize Digital library and E-learning centers to reduce the hard readout material.

  • Solar lighting system and LED bulbs are introduced to reduce power consumption.

  • Reverse Osmosis (RO) plants are installed at every building for clean drinking water.

  • Green Practices

  • Grey water is used for irrigating campus lawn and gardens

  • All biodegradable waste generated is composted and used as manure for horticulture
  • Paperless communication (e-mail/whatsapp) is practiced regularly

  • Vehicles are not allowed inside the campus. Separate parking facility is provided near the main gate itself.

  • Cycles for commuting within the campus is encouraged

  • Efforts are placed to reduce the waste generation. Usage of plastic cups, plates and cutlery are banned in the campus as a green initiative.

  • Specific actions – switching off appliances when not in use, turning off lights in vacant rooms, usage of one side paper etc., are implemented.